Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Spiritual Side

I recently had a conversation that started out about football but ended up on God. Basically where we ended up, I was asked if I really thought God cared about football. To which I answered YES I BELIEVE HE DOES!

So how do you get to the spiritual side of everything? How do you know there is spirituality in everything? For me, I look at the beginning,
John 1:3 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

In 1 Col chp 1, about vs 15, the bible tells us about the supremacy of God. that all things were actually made for Him. And He is the glue that holds everything together. Yes there is a spiritual side to all things.

SO, how do we find that spiritual side? How can I see the spiritual side of a sports event, a tractor pull, or even a wrestling match? 

When I was teaching youth we talked about spiritual gifts and how God has wired us. My main focus was "what are you good at right now?"  For some that was basketball, some video games, some would answer "nothing". We would all say to a child, you're good at something! So that's what I say to you. It's through you that God makes all things spiritual. At your work or play, you carry the spirit of God.

We all might not see the spiritual side in every situation, but that doesn't mean its not there. How do I bring the spiritual side out,

Proverbs 3:5-

 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
   and he will make your paths straight

In all our ways............ Love David.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

YOU GOT SKILLS..........

So you got skills? WHY YES YOU DO!

At our church office you can walk by the desks of the staff members and they all have these letters on their desks. One day I happened to stop and read one of theirs. After working with this person awhile and now reading what this said I thought wow! That seems right on the money!

It was a personality test. But what it revealed to me, was how do you best communicate and interact with this person.

Ephesians 4:11-13

11 And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, 12 for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son, [growing] into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ's fullness.

The reason I"m writing this is because of the scripture above. God has built each one in a unique way. But also with the need and ability to come together as one "Church" and work two-gather. (unity in the faith) so we need to know all we can about our comrades in this battle in which we have a common partner Jesus Christ. 

After taking my personality test it told me I was an ESTJ-THE GUARDIANS

There are several different categories.

  • ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers

  • ESTJ - The Guardians

  • ISFJ - The Nurturers

  • ESFJ - The Caregivers

  • ISTP - The Mechanics

  • ESTP - The Doers

  • ESFP - The Performers

  • ISFP - The Artists

  • ENTJ - The Executives

  • INTJ - The Scientists

  • ENTP - The Visionaries

  • INTP - The Thinkers

  • ENFJ - The Givers

  • INFJ - The Protectors

  • ENFP - The Inspirers

  • INFP - The Idealists

  • Just for fun won't you take this little quiz, see what the results are, and give it all a good praying over.

    love ya- David

    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    The right people

    Well today at "church" we talked about two of my all time favorite Bible stories. Jonathon and his armor bearer and Moses with Aaron and Hur. Both really good instances of God's people coming together.

    That is something that has become very important to me. There are instances throughout history that God did something that was all on His own, pillar of fire, burning bush, those things. But more often we see God doing miracles through His people. I have seen people do things that are not normal, they are weird in a God way.

    A point driven home in this mornings experience.

    Who are the top five voices speaking in to your life?

    When the right people, gather together for the right reasons, God shows up and the right things happen.

    I believe one thing to remember is we have to be intentional about these relationships. We need to pray about them, that God would use our relationships. That we would not take them for granted, even when words might not be what we wanted to hear. Relationships require effort, pray God would give us the time to get together, to allow many opportunities, Facebook, twitter, or texting, to hear these voices. That God would open up our hearts to hear, and understand even the deep things of God.

    The "Church" needs to realize that its not the building you meet in. The church is meeting all the time. When you get together at someones house, at the coffee shop, when you're shopping and run into a brother or sister in Christ. The "Church" is together.

    More churches should push people out of the walls of buildings and into the world to meet. To be an example to our neighbors, to our friends, to the world. We do not hide our Christianity behind the walls of a building like it's some supernatural club.

    Our church has a saying.....
    We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers. The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.

    Hope you all have a great week. Love- David.

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    God only knows....

    Over the past few weeks I have seen a lot of things change around me. And I don't "DO" change. But we all must face changes throughout our lives. Why somethings happen the way the do we'll never know, at least til we see God.

    If you have ever been around a serious professional cabinet maker they are meticulous. It is almost annoying the level of perfection that they shoot for. An 1/8 of an inch variance is too much. They have a design that is custom built for the specific location, in a specific room, with no tolerance for error. In the process of making the cabinet every thing is thought our, drawn out, measured twice, cut once, laid out, finish sanded, then stained. It is amazing to watch the process from start to finish. Many times the things being cut don't even look like they belong to what they are doing, but they bring it all together.

    I am watching friends struggle through circumstances that seem almost cruel. When we serve a God that can take care of any problem, why does this go on? Whether it is the slow, painful loss of watching the aged or the sudden loss of an young army Specialist. Why do these things go on?

    Earlier I said, "Many times the things being cut don't even look like they belong to what they are doing, but they bring it all together." We have walked smack dab into the middle of a cabinet being built by the best of the best. There is no error made. But when I look in to the situation I cannot tell the good from the waste nor the top from the bottom. All I can see saws cutting, nail guns being fired. wood being piled up. I don't know whats going on. I can even go look at the plan, but still might not understand it all. Except for, maybe, the picture of the finished product.

    Much the same is our limited view of what God is doing here. What he is doing in your life. We have such little understanding and our perception is not always accurate.

    I would love to pray for you specfically in what circumstance you find yourself in. Comment or email me. Love in Christ-David.

    Ephesians 2:1010 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    1 Corinthians 3:99 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Why do you?

    Most of you know that my wife and I attend We, our whole family, love it there. It is quite the atmosphere. We love the people, we love the worship, we love the opportunities to serve.  But today something odd happened.

    Every week my family and many others, greet people, welcoming the masses on to the campus of After we are done with this "greeting" we have a "huddle". All the Host Team (other greeters, people that drive golf carts, make drinks, etc.) gather around for a word from our leader, prayer requests, pertinent information, and summed up with a prayer. But today,,,,,,,,today was different.

    Today we were given little cards about the size of an index card 3 x 5 inches. On one card was simply to update our contact information. The second, and what gets this blogger's attention was for this. "Write down why you serve." Hmmm, all on one card, can I do front and back, and  by the way I need time to process that question! Were all the thoughts that raced through my mind. Did I mention I might over analyze? Out of the dozen or so people in our huddle, 8 were done by the time the short little prayer was over. That left the awkward 4.

    I searched my limited vocabulary for the words I needed, my train of thought was still at the boarding station. I was able to respond with "to demonstrate the love of Christ through action, and to teach the importance of serving to our family."

    But there was this scripture that immediately came to mind.

    1 John 3:16-18

    Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
    Love in Action
     16 This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us.
    We should also lay down our lives for our brothers. 
    17 If anyone has this world's goods and sees his brother in need but shuts off his compassion (from him—how can God's love reside in him? (G)
        18 Little children, we must not love in word or speech, but in deed and truth;

    Now I am not standing at the doors handing out things of mine to the people that walk through the doors. But I do have something, If you're reading this I hope you have it too. The love of Christ. 

    I like what Peter says in Acts.3:6
     6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.
    In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

    That's where I want to be in serving. Meeting the needs of people they don't even realize they have.  To be bold with the love and power of Christ our risen Saviour.

    Love in Christ- David

    Sunday, July 31, 2011

    Lost on the I

    Well I missed a week of the blog. Not for any particular reason it just happened I wanted to do it but time just got away.

    Earlier this week I had posted a comment on Facebook, "You ever look around like How did I get here? Why haven't I seen a sign in awhile?"

    I think maybe that is what has happened in my own relationship with God. I became unaware. In my line of work they use the term "Situational Awareness". I work at a fairly busy airport. the need to be constantly aware of where you are, what exactly your are doing, and what others are doing around you.  This Situational Awareness is what gets you home safe everyday.

    We need to have this same, OK maybe I, need to make this same effort in my relationship with God. Maybe I lost my awareness. I seemed to have turned around and can't remember how I got here. I don't recognize anything, nothing seems familiar.

    It's like every time I go to Tulsa, OK, I don't mean to but I always end up in the railway shipping area, at least 8 out of 10 times. The funny thing is now when I get to that point I can find my way out. It has gotten easier.  But I also realize that I make those mistakes easily, so I am aware of my ability or lack of ability. I try not to make the same mistakes twice.

    Or maybe it something different all together. Maybe the frustration I feel at getting lost Is actually God in control. Maybe just maybe there's too much I......................

    John 3:30 30 He must become greater; I must become less.”


    Well that was kind of all over the place wasn't it.- love David.

    Saturday, July 16, 2011


    Definition of GLORY
    1a : praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : renown b : worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving <giving glory to God>
    Definition of GLORIOUS
    1a : possessing or deserving glory : illustrious b : entitling one to glory <a glorious victory>
    2: marked by great beauty or splendor : magnificent <a glorious sunset>
    Definition of GLORIFY
    1a : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration b : to elevate to celestial glory.
    I think most of us would say that we want to live a life that Glorifies God.  More over a life that Glorifies Him and also points others to do the same. But what does that mean? What does that look like?
    Matthew Chp 5 says we are the light of the world, let our light shine, others will see and glorify the Father.  I know I for one look at myself and think, "How can I point others to Glorify the Father?" when I look at what all is wrong with me how can God use me.
    Really the answer is simpler than one might think. God's is bigger than you are. What can you do that God says, "Now what am I going to do?" Nothing. Read through the Psalms, as you see David a man after God's own heart, crying out to Abba, praising Him, searching for Him. 
    It wasn't that David was perfect, he apparently had a few issues throughout his life. Same as us, but God saw through all of those faults (which God uses to change us) and built a great Kingdom through David. 
    God is working through you. Take heart. With your Heart seek Him, seek His Love, seek His mercy and grace.  Remember that this is a constant spiritual battle, and wanting to good evil is right there with us. 
    Please take a minute, follow this link read Psalm 69.   
    Finally I leave you with a few scriptures.
    Psalm 86:12
    I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.Psalm 63:3
    Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.Psalm 34:3
    Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
    I want to thank you so much for reading. My prayer from the beginning was that God be glorified. To spread the Love of Christ. To question religion and find Relationship. To challenge others to realize the leadership potential God has built within them. You are here for battle. We might have varying roles in there, but I feel we are at war.
    Love in Christ- David

    Monday, July 11, 2011

    Diabetic Christianity

    If you have ever been around a person with diabetes, that suffers from low blood sugar, they usually have something to eat nearby. I know in Oklahoma a restriction on your license can be to have food or candy within reach of the driver.

    If you have been around someone that is experiencing low blood sugar, they can do some strange things. They even act like they are drunk. Odd behavior, extreme emotional swings, they have it all. If they would have just maintained there blood sugar.

    For me diabetes runs in the family so I watch out for signs of problems. And though I have never been diagnosed with it I have noticed some issues I have. For instance there have been times I could tell, and others around me like my wife, that I needed to eat something. I get really cranky and I personally can't always tell. Sometimes I get a headache and feel a little sick. But I'm not always able to see it. I'll be working away at something, forgetting to stop. One of those times when time flies by. You look up and "Man where has the time gone!". You're in a hurry so you move on to the next thing. Later realize, "I didn't eat lunch." At least that's what can happen to me.

    My Walk with God lately has turned out the same way. If I had known it was lunch time I would have eaten. I don't like to feel bad, so what happened? I got so busy I didn't even notice I missed something. I didn't even know I was hungry! That seems so crazy. If you don't eat, well we don't run on just air. I feel my relationship with God should be just as extreme. I want to live!

    Matthew 5:6

    Apparently my lack of ability to judge time and needs for my own life are impaired. I don't know I'm hungry and I don't know it's lunch time. So now what. I believe this is what Jesus was talking about in John 14. He says He is going to the Father, He will do whatever you ask in His name. 

    This is the kind of thing, I believe, truly makes Abba proud. To ask, Father make me hunger for you, thirsty for you. I can't be trusted to take this task on my own. I need God's help, I want to feel the hunger, long to drink from His cup. And always be looking for more.

    With love and hoping you're hungry- David

    Sunday, July 3, 2011


    I would say it's probably just me but I do know were not in this alone. I hope.

    Recently I seem to be struggling with my thoughts. All kinds of craziness going on in there. It is like none of the things that I want nor what was there a couple months ago, is in there. All the God stuff is gone. Replaced by evil thoughts and/or emotions. And unless you're 3 years old we generally are expected to think before we act thus I'm wondering what is going on up there. If I had acted on the thoughts I probably would have given another driver the finger right before I ran him off the road. AGGHHHH!

    A friend of mine once said, "I am a thief and a liar. I covet other peoples possessions constantly. I have impure thoughts, lust. I have extreme bouts of anger. And that's just since I accepted Christ."

    One problem I see within my self is that I think that I can "self-help". I can even do christian things and be in a self-help mode. Jesus saw this at work and talked about it in John Chp 5:39
    It's about why you are reading the scriptures. It's all about Jesus. The Bible alone cannot change me. It cannot "fix" me. It cannot change my mind. Jesus talked about prayer the same way. You know the guy standing in the front vs the tax collector in the back.

    A scripture that was on my heart through this last week.

    Ps 51:10-12

    I am unable to "self-help". I cannot do it on my own. You know the whole potter and the clay thing. God is the one who makes the changes within you.  Leading us, teaching us, molding us.
    God I'm tired. Tired of life as I know it. I know you're as close as ever but something doesn't seem right. Restore me to the place I once was. Protect me against the evil of this world, the corruption of my own mind. Give me your thoughts, your love, your insight. To say I am unable is not drastic enough, You are Emmanuel, Abba, the God of our Fathers, Glory be your name. Help us.

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    What's a BIG DEAL!?

    Who at this point hasn't had some thing happen that was a really big deal? I think everyone has. Let's  look back in time and I mean, lets go way back. How about High school, far enough?

    When I was in High School I was ultra self-conscious, at least till I was a Senior. But I can remember some things that happened that were really a big deal. Like not having enough money to go to the movies with friends or having to take my lunch when I was a freshmen, thought that was a big deal. Basically anything that didn't go MY way was a big deal.

    But what is a big deal to God?

    I have seen loved ones die after years of illness. Is this not a big deal? I have seen friends lose their children before they take their first breath, is this not a big deal? I have seen my own family struggle through difficulties, is this not a big deal?

    One thing I have noticed over the years, is that God has changed my perception of what is a BIG DEAL. Most things that are currently a big deal, focus on me. I'm focused on my problems and I am only looking at them through my perspective.

    Nothing has happened or will, that God has not known. My life has one main purpose, to be conformed to the image and likeness of His son.  Through that statement, it is a life of gratefulness, thanksgiving, love, and compassion.

    I do not know hardship or suffering compared to what others throughout the world do. Nor does it compare to the Love that God himself showed for me. While I was wrapped up in a BIG DEAL, wrapped up in self, wrapped up with the concerns of this world, wrapped in sin, Christ died for me. 

    As I look back on those things that were a big deal at the time. I see God provided and delivered and moreover LOVED me through all these things. Furthermore, I couldn't show the kind of compassion and comfort to others I should, had i not endured and been brought through these things. Since I was comforted, I can better show comfort to others. 

    I hope the next BIG DEAL that comes along I will have a better handle on it. That I will have less self in it. That I will immediately turn my face toward Abba, our Father in Heaven, and glorify His name. For nothing is out side of His ability, His Love, His Faithfulness.

    What's a big deal to God, You, more than your physical well being, it's your spirit, a Big Deal is your eternity.
    May the God of Peace wrap you in His unfailing Love- David

    Saturday, June 18, 2011


    I don't know about you but sometimes it seems like I am on a train that keeps making the same trip over and over. I get used to the bumps, the curves, some unexpected stops to let people on and off. I have even gotten used to the noise. This week I heard on a local radio station, this Hip-hop bible verse thing, really loved it. It was called "Streetlights Project".  It is a free download by the way.

    But any way, the verse they played on the radio was Eph 5: 1-21. After I downloaded it, I have listened to that one passage many times. There was just something in it that was entangling my mind. Although that might not take much, it was still happening.  Actually one little part, a couple words, from one verse.
    vs. 14
    “Wake up, sleeper....

    There was something in those word that called out to me. They made me want to listen more and read that passage again.  But I am not a sleep am I? I have accepted Christ, is this for me?

    But maybe I have been napping or sleep walking. We had a message at our church months ago that said "just because something isn't bothering you, doesn't mean it shouldn't be."

    Maybe that is me. I have lost the seriousness of the situation. That all things are either good or bad. There is not a gray area with God. There is Truth or a lie, Light or darkness, Life or death.  

    God this week, I need your help. Eph 5:1-2 - Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

    Help me to follow your example, help me to be an imitator of your love, compassion, and grace. Give me your thoughts, your insight, let your Spirit flow through me, through all of us.  And God, thanks for the Wake Up call.

    Love- David.

    Saturday, June 11, 2011


    One of the things that I sometimes struggle with is where I am in life. I was really bad about this but have slowly been changed over time. I used to say God if I had this Job, this House, this Money, this and that. It was beyond being content. I was happy I just wanted more of God and determined I knew the way to grow that relationship. That my usefulness to God some how related to the circumstances I find my self in.

    So in this growth the scripture that God led me to is in Corinthians. Paul is addressing marriage, circumcision, and slavery but it seems to apply.

    1 Corinthians 7:24

    24 Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.

    So now I know it is not where I'm at nor is it what I'm doing. Another verse tells us do everything as unto the Lord. I think God wants people everywhere, almost like we are infiltrating the world. You might think your job is a low position in society. Or maybe that your just a new christian and don't know anything, so God can't use you. As far as I can see, you need to know this. God loves you and everyone else. Jesus died for all of us, and God raised Him from the dead; and acceptance of that is the only way to heaven. Love God and love others. TA DA. Let God do the rest.

    That's not to say there won't be other changes in your life, but God is the potter we are the clay. Our church has a thing they call the code, this is one of them.
    We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ. To reach people no one is reaching, we’ll have to do things no one is doing.

    So today my family, an extension or as ambassadors of God, we are going to a car show.  We'll be handing out "church" invites but more than that we will be showing God's love for all the people of the world.

    Good luck and God Speed- David.

    Saturday, June 4, 2011

    Imaginary Friends

    My oldest  son asked me this week if I had an imaginary friend.  I of course said yes! Then I said well the older I get the more I seem to talk to myself anyways. I think I scared him a little. But that's good parenting right there!

    As I thought about the question he asked I began to recall many people that have crossed my path. Friends seem to change over a life time. Some just because you drift apart, your thinking changes, time restraints, there are many things that move friends around.

    I've always thought there were three things that test all your friendships.
    1. Get married. 2. Get divorced. 3. Get Jesus.
    But as life moves, so do friends. Friends have been there through good times and bad. They've "caused" the good times and the bad. But they have not been imaginary.

    I also developed (of course) a different view of what these people are in my life.
    Whether Friend or Foe, they are instruments of God. You see in scripture God used non-believers, like Pharaoh, to advance the Gospel through adversity. God also used the death of a best friend and the sorrow of a family to show His power, when Lazarus was raised from the dead. The prophets of God generally didn't show up and just say how awesome people were. They told people where they could improve and where they were doing well.  Consider the new testament Paul where in Ephesians he commends them for their faith, but tells them no unwholesome talk would come from you.

    I love my friends past, present, and future. I view them differently because God has placed them close to me. In nearly constant contact with some of them. Some I speak with only on-line, others I see occasionally, and yet some we are intentionally connected friends. God has given us time to see each other every week, to share our struggles and successes. To live life together, our church calls it a Life Group. It is my inner circle, which is a model that Jesus shows. God placed them there, not by accident, but with purpose.

    All of you, everyone I would call friend, know you are an extension of God. You are being used to change my life. To those of you God will use through adversity, well your probably not reading this anyways.................but God loves you and I am able to love you through my trust in Him. There it is I'm a hippie, Love for everybody.

    Saturday, May 28, 2011


    I hope this letter finds you well.

    This week has been nothing but one giant distraction of after another. For us to be distracted we have to first have a focus. so what was I trying to focus on. Well I can't even get my mind to focus for that.

    I think I wanted to be focused on God, maybe at least God's word. Some how trying to focus on living out God's Love. But here I sit a week gone by and yes there was a prayer said here and there, mostly on the fly.  I'm not feeling the love.

    Tornado's, reorganization at work, a friend with cancer, I seem to have a battle ground in my mind. I feel desperate and saddened by the Tornado's affect on our community. People lost homes, people lost their dearest possessions, people lost loved ones.  Stress and concern in other areas. I think this is life.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 (New International Version)

    13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

    God please be faithful for us.
    And most upsetting I think is the lack of time I seem to have spent with Abba, of course He is always with me. But am I with him? It's time to regain focus, It's time to take over the battle in my mind.(it can't be to big after all)

    Hebrews 12:2-3 (New International Version)

    2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

    God help us stay strong, give us heart.


    2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (New International Version)

    8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

    Even if everything we have is gone. Even if this body suffers. Even if this body dies. We must remember this is not our home this is not our whole life.  Glory be to God the Father. In all things give thanks, sometimes easier said the done. I pray God gives you hope, strength, courage, and heart.

    Love- David.

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    The beginning or the end?

    This has been a crazy week! School out for our little ones, our youngest ear tubes and adenoids removed, and a girls night out for the wife. Not to mention the end of the world May 21st may reveal.

    This talk and fun poking at that church which announced the end, spurred some interseting Facebook posts. Mine-
    I wonder if we should be able to say that when we hear "the world will end tomorrow"
     We'll say; Thank God! and then if it dosen't, We'll say; Thank God!

    When we look at our short lives and consider the end of this world and the begining of a different life, the begining of eternity.

    Wait a minute....... Our eternity with Christ has already begun! If you have accepted Christ your eternal realtionship already started.  I think if we will try to wrap our brain around that, it will change the way we live. Let's not wait til we get to heaven to live like the bible says it will be, try it out now.
    A life of love, a life of praise, a life of Christ.

    Revelation 1:10a 10 On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit

    Here's to the end. It shouldn't make a difference.

    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    A change in perspective

    In my short little life I've seen some things. People left for dead, the birth of a child, a space shuttle disaster, the tearing down for the Berlin wall. But the closest thing to me is what God has done in me.

    I believe that in our lives there will be some scriptures or events that God will use to drastically alter your make-up or cause a change in your perspective.  There have been some things that have had that affect on me but one scripture in particular I have tried to keep in the forefront of my mind.

    James 1:19 (New International Version 1984)Listening and Doing
    19My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

    I try to keep this in practice but indeed I struggle.

    But recently another scripture has come up that I'm pondering. It's short, probably read right over, and I've never heard it talked about. The one after it I've heard numerous times. So here it is.....


    2 Corinthians 5:16 (New International Version 1984)

     16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer

    Specifically the first sentence of this verse. I want to point out a couple things. First when Paul addressed the Corinthians he would have said "you" or if he were to address other Christians he probably would have indicated that with a phrase like, brothers and sisters or fellow believers, something of that nature.  Here he says "no one" which seems all inclusive to me.

    SO how is this going to play out for me in life? One thing I consider is that we can see in scripture where God is able to work with all people. God hardened Pharoh's heart to work for the good of all people. In that same situation God used Moses has his spokesman. God was at work in the big picture.  To me this is going to mean a change in the way we view our day to day walk. Consider the big picture and that everyone that crosses your path may indeed be God at work. That you may indeed be encountering a drastic situation, maybe a situation that seems unbearable.  God is not far from you or your situation.  God has a different perspective, he wants us to come along side that same way.

    It's not a What Would Jesus Do thing, more like, a lets not do anything for a second and take a look at the big picture. How is God seeing this situation. While we think this over, I want to leave with one...

    Psalm 31:23-24  23 Love the LORD, all his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full. 24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

    With Love, from out in left field- David

    Saturday, May 7, 2011


    My family has been deeply impacted by, what I would call, God given, faithful, generosity. We have had many close friends and circumstances in which our family has been provided for during light and momentary trials. But ours fail in comparison to the loss and hurt many around me have felt. But God and His people continue to work. This brings me to the thoughts of this week.

    I was reminded of the rebuilding of the wall, you know Nehemiah's wall. He had learned of it's condition and with a heavy heart for his city he went back to help. Leaving the job of royalty to oversee and perform a HUGE task. At the time the city of Jerusalem was about 960 acres, the wall 4.5 miles in length, 16 feet high, and 10-15 feet thick. (info from,, wikipedia, and the great Google) People from all walks of life were rebuilding this wall. There was probably someone there who had done it before but not everyone. There were soldiers, priests, servants, all the people of the city were involved.  The Church was rebuilding the wall.

    After starting the repairs came verbal insults and threats of violence. His opposition didn't take Nehemiah serious until they saw his progress. When the threats were becoming more dangerous. He took action to defend the city and to continue construction. Workers were guarded and scripture says they worked with one hand , while they held a weapon with the other. WOW, that's determination right there.

    And now here's the verse that stuck out

    Nehemiah 4:20 (New International Version 1984, ©1984)

    20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”

    One of the things I have heard at our church, that I hadn't heard before, "See a need, meet a need" It's mission work at it's simplest. Hmmm kind of like Jesus.

    Someone has sounded the trumpet, they have raised the alarm. A call for help has went out and now it's time for you to respond.

    I don't know what it is for you, but look around. There is something God has for you to do. This is not a spectator sport. I hope and believe whatever it is, is to big for you. I hope it's overwhelming. I hope the people say it can't be done. I hope it makes the enemy mad. But all we have to do is respond to the call,
    Our God will fight for us. - Love David

    We wholeheartedly reject the label mega-church. We are a micro-church with a mega-vision. (When you look at the need in the world, and look at our church- don't you dare call us a mega-church- Craig Groeschel- my paraphrase)

    Saturday, April 30, 2011

    What the heck we're you thinking!?!

    I live what must be a pretty sheltered life. I go to work, Church, home, Life Group. Occasional date night, or trip to the local Wal-mart. But that is about it.  This observation was brought to the forefront of my mind this last week.

    I just wanted cool whip, got way more than I bargained for.
    While I was at home my lovely bride apparently experienced a Cool Whip emergency which required an immediate response from me, the CWEC ( cool whip emergency coordinator) So I drove up to the convienence store knowing I was about to pay 200 X the price of the grocery store.

    Upon my arrival, I find someone having a seizure but already had people around them. I asked if they needed help and was told "No were OK" So I thought well if this person has seizures regularly there family is usually used to it as well as the patient themselves. So I go in the store.

    Desperately and throughly seraching the cases, scaning Hi and low and talking to the clerk no, Cool-whip. Outside the store nothing has changed since entering. Now I'm more concerned. The two gentlemen, were still just talking like this was normal. After brief questioning, neither wanted to take any responsibility for the person. First name is all I could get.So I called an ambulance, which took them lights and sirens away into the night.

    SO what the heck were they thinking? Where in all of human existence did people loose there compassion. Now I'm not the most compassionate person on the planet. But this was insane. By my own investigatory ability I'm sure drugs were involved.

    The only thing I can say is people need Jesus, they need God's Love. They need someone to care and take action. This was the scripture that came to my mind..
    Romans 5:6-8 (New International Version, ©2011)
     6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    We need to do this, it takes good people, not perfect, but good people to step in for those who need Jesus. We are that extension. Someone will need you and it maybe an ugly situation. In this instance the only thing that was needed was anyone, who didn't want to see somone else DIE in a gas station parking lot!! not rocket science! Be in constant contact with God, do what you can do. Help the ones you can, like God sent you there at that time, that specific place. God sent you to touch their life. Love in Christ- David.

    Saturday, April 23, 2011

    More of a Question than a Blog.........

    Currently reading 1 Corinthians, now in chapter 4 and I'm not quite getting it yet.  Maybe you can help.

    Paul refers the people to imitate or follow him a couple of times throughout scripture one of those times is in Chapter 4 so I want to understand it. I think Paul is talking about the church being comfortable. Things are good, comfortable even, but is that where we are supposed to be? Maybe it was the same group of people coming in every week. The same service, little has changed from week to week. They give their time and tithe to God and all is right in the world. Is Paul trying to spur them on from this comfortable Christianity?

    So one of the verses that stood out to me right off the bat.....

    1 Corinthians 4:3-4 (New International Version, ©2011)
    3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.

    If you truly believe you are doing all you can do, that maybe be better defined as, you know God is flowing through you. Maybe people are judging you, your church, maybe your actions. Your weird, constantly misunderstood, few true friends.  Maybe Paul got to the point he just had enough, "Judge all you want, you're not the judge your playing the Judge"

    I think the rest of chapter 4 is basically sarcasm, and you? Still another verse that caught my attention is vs 6. in it "do not go beyond what is written" . Maybe this church had created a bunch of traditions and rules that needed adhering to. Maybe similar to some of modern churches? vs 7 For who makes you different from anyone else? 

    He goes on to compare the hardships of the disciples to the "blessings" on the Church of Corinth. In then in vs 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me.  That statement makes me re-read this chapter over and over.

    1 Corinthians 4:20 (New International Version, ©2011)
    20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

    God is all powerful and we have read about miracles that were tremendous manna from heaven, the burning bush, cloud by day fire by night. But I think there are more examples of power by which God works through his people. Acting in crazy, misunderstood, life altering ways. All in obedience to God, allowing His power and love to flow through you.
    You are a connector to the conduit of the power of God- Steven Furtick.

    Thanks for reading!! Feel free to comment or email. David