I recently had a conversation that started out about football but ended up on God. Basically where we ended up, I was asked if I really thought God cared about football. To which I answered YES I BELIEVE HE DOES!
So how do you get to the spiritual side of everything? How do you know there is spirituality in everything? For me, I look at the beginning,
John 1:3 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
In 1 Col chp 1, about vs 15, the bible tells us about the supremacy of God. that all things were actually made for Him. And He is the glue that holds everything together. Yes there is a spiritual side to all things.
SO, how do we find that spiritual side? How can I see the spiritual side of a sports event, a tractor pull, or even a wrestling match?
When I was teaching youth we talked about spiritual gifts and how God has wired us. My main focus was "what are you good at right now?" For some that was basketball, some video games, some would answer "nothing". We would all say to a child, you're good at something! So that's what I say to you. It's through you that God makes all things spiritual. At your work or play, you carry the spirit of God.
We all might not see the spiritual side in every situation, but that doesn't mean its not there. How do I bring the spiritual side out,
Proverbs 3:5-
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight
In all our ways............ Love David.