Padded seats. It's definitely padded seats.No the real reason I go to "church" is God. To start at the beginning is to much so we'll start at the middle.
While attending church where my wife and I were on staff, the senior pastor invited us to check out this new church in town that had a big screen, a big band, and Saturday night service time. So we did. That was the start of some life changing events. We were able to both attend church and work at church, it was great. It was the beginning of the end.
Now the church we were attending was average in size 200 on a good weekend. Sunday school and Wednesday night activities for all ages. Just an all around "good" church. But God began to do something in my life that was incredible. He brought people in my life that asked hard questions about the institutionalized "church" and the real reason it existed. Questions about my relationship with Abba. Then God sent books my way, The Shack and So you don't want to go to church anymore. At this same time I was attending Oklahoma Baptist University online. This too was causing some questioning in my mind. God was orchestrating something awesome, and still is.
Somethings better left unsaid.
God began to stir up questions that I couldn't keep to my self. And when God asks a question don't you know that'll rock the "good church" boat. So we were directed to leave our safe harbor. Believing that God is the captain of our ship.
So why this church, what makes them better than the other. Nothing that's explainable, there are no perfect people therefore no perfect groups of people, there is none perfect no not one. But when God brings you somewhere don't you think that's the perfect place for you? I love my church because God planned for us to be here and the opportunities he provides through it. The ability to partner with other like minded people, to pool our resources. To worship, pray, serve, and give together. There is something cool about it all. It's all about the people.
No, the reason we go to church isn't because we up and decided to go. It is because God used ordinary people, places, things, and events to do extraordinary things. No matter what "church" you attend. No matter what people God has surrounded you with. God desires to flow through you, those around you, and your "church". It's not the schedule, music, or even the pastor. It's you. God put us here and the reason we go to Church is........... you.
Love, David
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