Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Modern Steeple

As I drive by this little church in my home town of Stillwater, OK I can't help but admire it. It is brand new, I watched it grow from the ground up. I saw the earth get reshaped, the foundation poured, I saw its daily progress. It took months to complete and is now open for "business". I generally don't make it by there on Sundays to see the parking lot full but I'm sure it is. I'm sure the new of it alone will draw people in.

But now as i drive by the completed church it bothers me. I see the brick facade, covering the metal building beneath. I look at the super lighted steeple, standing high above pointing heavenward. No doubt warding off the evil spirits as in days of old.

I have to ask my self why the brick, why the steeple? Why the extras, that only count as decoration? Is it wrong, I ask my self? No I am.

No where in scripture do I find instructions on building the church. Except to pray for God's people, for laborers in the harvest. The church isn't about any building. But we are all wired differently to like different things, to view the world in different ways. So the steeple I'm sure gives comfort, the stained glass a place of understanding. In the same way, worship that has lights, smoke, and rivals many concerts, touches the hearts of people an organ doesn't. For some the schedule of the service never changes and everyone has their seats, well that is important to some, opening their hearts to let God work in them.

I feel my God cannot be limited by any building. He will not be limited by man. So whether your church has a steeple and stained glass or not has little to do with God. Your church is you and the other people you surround yourselves with.  Worshiping together is an important part of that, find a church, get hooked up, serve the Lord where He directs you.

And I think that is what it is all about, people. Go, be the church, Love one another, pray for one another.

Until next time Love in Christ- David.

1 comment:

  1. Well aren't you off to a great start! I've enjoyed having church with you this morning, brother. Love ya much! Living loved - gotta love it!
