Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lost on the I

Well I missed a week of the blog. Not for any particular reason it just happened I wanted to do it but time just got away.

Earlier this week I had posted a comment on Facebook, "You ever look around like How did I get here? Why haven't I seen a sign in awhile?"

I think maybe that is what has happened in my own relationship with God. I became unaware. In my line of work they use the term "Situational Awareness". I work at a fairly busy airport. the need to be constantly aware of where you are, what exactly your are doing, and what others are doing around you.  This Situational Awareness is what gets you home safe everyday.

We need to have this same, OK maybe I, need to make this same effort in my relationship with God. Maybe I lost my awareness. I seemed to have turned around and can't remember how I got here. I don't recognize anything, nothing seems familiar.

It's like every time I go to Tulsa, OK, I don't mean to but I always end up in the railway shipping area, at least 8 out of 10 times. The funny thing is now when I get to that point I can find my way out. It has gotten easier.  But I also realize that I make those mistakes easily, so I am aware of my ability or lack of ability. I try not to make the same mistakes twice.

Or maybe it something different all together. Maybe the frustration I feel at getting lost Is actually God in control. Maybe just maybe there's too much I......................

John 3:30 30 He must become greater; I must become less.”


Well that was kind of all over the place wasn't it.- love David.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Definition of GLORY
1a : praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : renown b : worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving <giving glory to God>
Definition of GLORIOUS
1a : possessing or deserving glory : illustrious b : entitling one to glory <a glorious victory>
2: marked by great beauty or splendor : magnificent <a glorious sunset>
Definition of GLORIFY
1a : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration b : to elevate to celestial glory.
I think most of us would say that we want to live a life that Glorifies God.  More over a life that Glorifies Him and also points others to do the same. But what does that mean? What does that look like?
Matthew Chp 5 says we are the light of the world, let our light shine, others will see and glorify the Father.  I know I for one look at myself and think, "How can I point others to Glorify the Father?" when I look at what all is wrong with me how can God use me.
Really the answer is simpler than one might think. God's is bigger than you are. What can you do that God says, "Now what am I going to do?" Nothing. Read through the Psalms, as you see David a man after God's own heart, crying out to Abba, praising Him, searching for Him. 
It wasn't that David was perfect, he apparently had a few issues throughout his life. Same as us, but God saw through all of those faults (which God uses to change us) and built a great Kingdom through David. 
God is working through you. Take heart. With your Heart seek Him, seek His Love, seek His mercy and grace.  Remember that this is a constant spiritual battle, and wanting to good evil is right there with us. 
Please take a minute, follow this link read Psalm 69.   
Finally I leave you with a few scriptures.
Psalm 86:12
I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.Psalm 63:3
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.Psalm 34:3
Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
I want to thank you so much for reading. My prayer from the beginning was that God be glorified. To spread the Love of Christ. To question religion and find Relationship. To challenge others to realize the leadership potential God has built within them. You are here for battle. We might have varying roles in there, but I feel we are at war.
Love in Christ- David

Monday, July 11, 2011

Diabetic Christianity

If you have ever been around a person with diabetes, that suffers from low blood sugar, they usually have something to eat nearby. I know in Oklahoma a restriction on your license can be to have food or candy within reach of the driver.

If you have been around someone that is experiencing low blood sugar, they can do some strange things. They even act like they are drunk. Odd behavior, extreme emotional swings, they have it all. If they would have just maintained there blood sugar.

For me diabetes runs in the family so I watch out for signs of problems. And though I have never been diagnosed with it I have noticed some issues I have. For instance there have been times I could tell, and others around me like my wife, that I needed to eat something. I get really cranky and I personally can't always tell. Sometimes I get a headache and feel a little sick. But I'm not always able to see it. I'll be working away at something, forgetting to stop. One of those times when time flies by. You look up and "Man where has the time gone!". You're in a hurry so you move on to the next thing. Later realize, "I didn't eat lunch." At least that's what can happen to me.

My Walk with God lately has turned out the same way. If I had known it was lunch time I would have eaten. I don't like to feel bad, so what happened? I got so busy I didn't even notice I missed something. I didn't even know I was hungry! That seems so crazy. If you don't eat, well we don't run on just air. I feel my relationship with God should be just as extreme. I want to live!

Matthew 5:6

Apparently my lack of ability to judge time and needs for my own life are impaired. I don't know I'm hungry and I don't know it's lunch time. So now what. I believe this is what Jesus was talking about in John 14. He says He is going to the Father, He will do whatever you ask in His name. 

This is the kind of thing, I believe, truly makes Abba proud. To ask, Father make me hunger for you, thirsty for you. I can't be trusted to take this task on my own. I need God's help, I want to feel the hunger, long to drink from His cup. And always be looking for more.

With love and hoping you're hungry- David

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I would say it's probably just me but I do know were not in this alone. I hope.

Recently I seem to be struggling with my thoughts. All kinds of craziness going on in there. It is like none of the things that I want nor what was there a couple months ago, is in there. All the God stuff is gone. Replaced by evil thoughts and/or emotions. And unless you're 3 years old we generally are expected to think before we act thus I'm wondering what is going on up there. If I had acted on the thoughts I probably would have given another driver the finger right before I ran him off the road. AGGHHHH!

A friend of mine once said, "I am a thief and a liar. I covet other peoples possessions constantly. I have impure thoughts, lust. I have extreme bouts of anger. And that's just since I accepted Christ."

One problem I see within my self is that I think that I can "self-help". I can even do christian things and be in a self-help mode. Jesus saw this at work and talked about it in John Chp 5:39
It's about why you are reading the scriptures. It's all about Jesus. The Bible alone cannot change me. It cannot "fix" me. It cannot change my mind. Jesus talked about prayer the same way. You know the guy standing in the front vs the tax collector in the back.

A scripture that was on my heart through this last week.

Ps 51:10-12

I am unable to "self-help". I cannot do it on my own. You know the whole potter and the clay thing. God is the one who makes the changes within you.  Leading us, teaching us, molding us.
God I'm tired. Tired of life as I know it. I know you're as close as ever but something doesn't seem right. Restore me to the place I once was. Protect me against the evil of this world, the corruption of my own mind. Give me your thoughts, your love, your insight. To say I am unable is not drastic enough, You are Emmanuel, Abba, the God of our Fathers, Glory be your name. Help us.